Making spelling mistakes are very common in our day to day life. We tend to remember the spelling of only those words which we use in our daily life such as able, bad, beautiful, most and so on.
We often get confused with words that sound similar like affect and effect and most of the time use them in the wrong context. So here are some tips which could help you improve your spellings.
We often get confused with words that sound similar like affect and effect and most of the time use them in the wrong context. So here are some tips which could help you improve your spellings.
- Make your own list of commonly misspelled words. These are the words that you use often and still have some problem remembering there spellings. So make a list of those words and it will help you remember those words quickly.
- Develop a habit of reading. When you read, you would come across words and so it will help you retain those words.
- Pronounce it correctly. Listen to the sound of the word. Most of the spelling can be learned by listening to the sound of the word.
- Learn the rules. There are few rules that needs to be followed. So learn them and make your spellings strong.